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Dr Alyce Churchill

Dr Alyce Churchill

General Practitioner | Senior Medical Practitioner in Psychiatry

A member of the DFN Advisory Council, Dr Alyce Churchill is a General Practitioner and a Senior Medical Practitioner in Psychiatry. Before joining general practice she worked at several Western Australian hospitals as a resident medical officer and later as a Psychiatry Registrar. Alyce has been an advocate of plant-based nutrition and preventative medicine since adopting a whole food plant-based diet in 2013. Her catalyst for changing from a vegetarian diet was learning the evidence of a whole food plant-based diet in preventing and reversing so many Western diseases that she encountered every day at work. In 2015, Alyce created and launched the recipe and meal planning app Plant-Based Easy to the iPhone store and in 2016 started the Facebook meet-up and education group Plant Powered Perth with Kelsey Brymer and Kamarra Morris. Alyce also holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Centre for Nutrition Studies at eCornell University and has twice attended the International Plant-Based Nutrition in Healthcare conference in California.