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Dr Heleen Haitjema

Dr Heleen Haitjema

DFN Co-Founder & Chair of Board

Co-Founder and Chair of the Doctors For Nutrition Board, Dr Heleen Haitjema is a retired paediatrician, educated in the Netherlands (Doctor of Medicine, Cum Laude, University of Utrecht; Medical Specialist, Paediatrician, Free University Amsterdam). She holds a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition through eCornell University and has qualified as a Food For Life instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington DC. She conducts community courses in her hometown of Adelaide in this capacity.

Heleen has co-organised, presented at and attended numerous Australian, North American and European plant-based nutrition conferences, symposia, grand rounds and community events. She co-founded Doctors For Nutrition in 2018 with Lucy Stegley, and is chair of the Board of Directors.