- 4 September 2024
Live Webinar: Five Proven Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet for Sports Performance
Doctors For Nutrition’s webinar highlights the Five Proven Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet for Sports Performance.
It’s exciting to witness a growing body of research supporting plant-based diets for athletes. The findings from recent studies and systematic reviews highlight several key points, including:
1. Nutritional Adequacy
2. Performance Benefits
3. Recovery
The evidence supports the idea that a well-planned plant-based diet can be highly effective for athletes, helping them achieve their peak performance and enhance recovery while meeting all their nutritional needs.
Doctors For Nutrition invites you to hear, first hand, from those who have benefited from a plant-based diet in their own sports disciplines. Health professionals will learn how to provide guidance in recommending whole food plant-based nutrition to their athletic patients.
The webinar consisted of a panel presentation followed by a Q&A session.
Dr Leila Dehghan-Zaklaki, PlantEd Academy, UK
Maeve Frawley, Strongwoman, UK
Ben Eitelberg, Endurance athlete, NZ