At 35, I was diagnosed with gallstones and advised to undergo gallbladder removal. To manage my condition, the surgeon recommended a low-fat diet. Following this advice, I adhered strictly to the National Heart Foundation’s guide to a healthy heart provided at the time. Each year, my cholesterol levels remained within the normal range, reassuring me […]
Read More… from A doctor’s eye-opening journey: Rethinking standard guidelines and discovering true health through nutrition

“It’s often the case that the solution is right in front of us, and it’s usually simpler than we imagine.” I visited my GP on 21 June 2024, as I have been doing annually, near my birthday, so I don’t forget, for the past few years. This year, I went to the same General Practice […]
Read More… from From 30-day experiment to life-changing results: My journey with whole food plant-based eating

Lifestyle Medicine prescription Sodium reduction: Avoiding added salt and checking food labels, with a goal of <200mg sodium per serving. Dietary cholesterol reduction: Replacing cheese with hummus to increase fibre intake, which helps bind and eliminate cholesterol. Additionally, he was encouraged to lower meat intake and consume more plant-based proteins such as legumes. Plant-based nutrition: […]
Read More… from Patient weans off antihypertensive medication with lifestyle interventions

John’s goal? To come off blood pressure medication. John is married with adult children, enjoys an active social life and has had knee joint replacement surgery. Initial visit With a BMI of 31, weight of 118kg, and blood pressure at 138/98, he was advised to avoid extra salt in his meals and swap cheese for […]
Read More… from A farmer’s path to health: Shedding medication by lowering blood pressure and weight naturally

Seeking solution, Jack embarked on a significant dietary shift, adopting a WFPB lifestyle. Despite past attempts at a sporadic “vegan” diet, he lacked guidance on integrating this nutritional approach into his life. Driven by a commitment to Jack’s wellbeing, his dietitian crafted a tailored nutrition plan. This involved eliminating dietary obstacles and introducing a crucial […]
Read More… from A plant-powered path to kidney and diabetic health

Nutrition diagnosis: navigating uncharted territories Upon assessment, the dietitian identified a critical nutrition knowledge deficit, exacerbated by the recent adoption of a WFPB diet against the backdrop of membranous nephropathy. His rising albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR) indicated poorly managed conditions with worsening proteinuria (411.4 mg/mmol). The patient expressed uncertainty about effectively applying nutrition information, a concern […]
Read More… from A plant-powered journey to renal wellness: Patient triumphs over Membranous Nephropathy and T2DM

Linda’s journey began with a realisation – her diet needed a makeover. Her dietitian gently guided her through the process, unravelling the science of fats and how they impact heart health, particularly the negative effects of excess saturated fat. Linda learned that her love for certain foods, like coconut yogurt and vegan cheese, might be […]
Read More… from A heart-healthy journey: Overcoming high cholesterol

Jane’s journey began with the realisation that her diet was intricately tied to her gastrointestinal discomfort. Initially, the foods triggering her symptoms were legumes, alliums, corn, and an abundance of vegetables. Education became the cornerstone of their journey. Her dietitian explained the concept of dysbiosis, shedding light on how certain foods could disrupt the balance […]
Read More… from Reclaiming wellness: A patient’s journey to gut health

The dietitian crafted a tailored nutrition intervention with clear goals. The plan focused on identifying and trialling nutrient-rich whole food, plant-based (WFPB) snacks to replace high-sugar/high-fat options. Additionally, the dietitian aimed to increase the patient’s consumption of legumes in meals and snacks, curtail or eliminate refined oils, enhance vegetable intake through strategic meal planning (for […]
Read More… from Transformative nutrition: A journey to cardiovascular health through plant-based lifestyle changes

Understanding the patient Upon consultation, the patient shared her struggles with gastrointestinal issues, including bloating, pain, and constipation, triggered by certain foods like legumes, alliums, corn, and a large portion of vegetables. A four-day food diary revealed valuable insights into her dietary habits, laying the foundation for the dietitian’s targeted approach. Educational empowerment Armed with […]
Read More… from Navigating gastrointestinal health: A patient’s triumph through dysbiosis protocol