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Doctors For Nutrition year end wrap-up and outlook to 2020

As 2019 draws to a close, we review the highlights from our first full year of operation, give a huge shout out to the amazing supporters and partners who are so central to our mission, and look ahead to growing our impact to the next level in 2020 and beyond.

DFN Team - NIHC 2019

2019 in review

It’s been a busy and rewarding year at DFN and we are grateful to all the supporters and allies who have joined us to champion the proven power of nutrition to transform healthcare.

Since achieving registration as a health promotion charity with tax deductible DGR status in late 2018, we have been putting down roots to build our capacity as an organisation and attract the resources we need to power our mission. With this, we have established a dedicated team of board members, staff, advisors and volunteers, undertaken a range of projects and created an exciting program for the coming year.

We’ve put the whole food plant-based health agenda on the map in our region with the first ever Australasian Nutrition in Healthcare Conference, hosted and appeared at a wide range of other events including our first Dine With A Doc professional development forum, released our full website, grown our team, lobbied for institutional and policy change through a range of channels, built fruitful alliances with a number of healthcare organisations and influential experts, expanded our social media reach, achieved coverage of our message via print, radio, video and podcast outlets, and embarked on some exciting projects and campaigns for 2020 and beyond.

In 2019 we have...

NIHC 2019 highlights

NIHC 2019 infographic

What’s coming up in 2020?

We’ll be continuing to engage actively in institutional advocacy, community outreach and practitioner education as part of our core mission. To bolster these efforts, our major projects for 2020 include:⁠ ⁠

🍎 Developing and disseminating a whole food plant-based nutrition overview guide and webinar for health professionals⁠.

🍎 Collaborating with key partners on creating a plant-based nutrition education module for medical students⁠.

🍎 Undertaking a comprehensive public health and economic analysis of a population shift towards a diet based on whole plant foods⁠. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠

We’ll also be planning for our next Australasian Nutrition in Healthcare Conference, coming up in Melbourne in February 2021, holding a range of other educational events both within the healthcare sector and the community at large, continuing to grow our Speakers’ Bureau, expanding our media reach, adding to our library of free online resources and harnessing the expertise and enthusiasm of our growing networks to bring our message into the mainstream.

Panels 2019
Thank you wreath 2019

From all of us at Doctors For Nutrition, thank you for powering our mission. We sincerely appreciate your continued support as we build a better future for healthcare – now and for generations to come.

If you’re not yet part of our family of supporters, please join us! Donations to Doctors For Nutrition are tax-deductible, and create the base we need to create and implement our future plans.

And, if you’re looking for a meaningful gift, you can make a donation in honour of a loved one: just fill in their name on our donation form and we will email you a personalised certificate that you can present to them.

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