WONCA 2023 Sydney World Conference
Doctors For Nutrition were proud sponsors of the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians, hosted by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
Themed around recovery, reconnection, and revival in primary care, WONCA 2023 provided the representatives from Doctors For Nutrition with a unique opportunity to connect and network with local and international medical professionals.
Over 4000 delegates attended the four-day conference from 115 countries. Many of the attendees agreed that their traditional diets, high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, were healthier than the Westernised version of what they eat today. Many chronic illnesses, including CVD and type 2 diabetes, are on the rise in their home countries when they were previously unheard of only a few generations ago.
Our health is our choice. What we put in our mouths predominantly determines our health outcomes.
DFN Social Media and Events Lead, Rebecca Stonor, was joined by volunteers, who are Sydney-based medical professionals, and who volunteered their time to help share the message of the benefits of plant-based nutrition. Dr Ethan An discussed with delegates how he reversed his high cholesterol levels with a low-fat, whole food plant-based eating pattern. He leads by example and now recommends this way of eating to many of his patients.
A GP from Malaysia agreed wholeheartedly with our vision, stating that “Our health is our choice. What we put in our mouths predominantly determines our health outcomes.”. He talks about nutrition to all of his patients and understands that a healthy way of eating can prevent many of the chronic health conditions he sees daily.
The conference was held at the International Conference Centre in Darling Harbour, Sydney. The catering was exceptional with the whole of Saturday’s meals made vegetarian with a focus on planetary health.
Many doctors were excited about our free online course, Prescribing Nutrition and our Food Vitals webinar series. Several GPs also joined our Doctors Health Challenge, and encouraged their peers to register!

If you’d like to support us to attend more of these conferences and events, please consider a one-off or monthly donation. Help us share the invaluable benefits of whole food plant-based nutrition for disease prevention and reversal with medical professionals!